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Meet Mr. Client


During the 11 years of Dream's existence, a lot of similar stories have accumulated. When creating the company, I wanted to work with people and for people. "Dream" in the company name is not accidental, because I came up with the idea that we will fulfill the dreams of those who want to have their own place in Spain. We succeeded. The hundreds of contacts that we made during this time are of great value, and those that have passed from the “client – agent” relationship to the level of "good acquaintance" I appreciate especially.

One January afternoon in 2020, my phone rang. On the other side, a nice male voice introduced himself politely and asked if I had a moment to talk. I had. Our first conversation lasted almost an hour and it was a sensation, because new clients usually inform us quite quickly about what they are looking for.

Mr. Client and our "Investor's Guide"

It was different here. Mr. Client called not only to say what he and his wife were looking for, but also to find out as much as possible about the property purchase process in Spain. I told him what and how we were doing and then I suggested reading our "Investor's Guide", in which we provided answers to the most frequently asked questions. The client liked this idea, in his opinion it was a great educational method and an additional value for our clients. It was hard for me to disagree with him ☺

Why sending e-mails at 3 a.m. might be tricky…

We have determined what we were looking for and – indicatively – the customers’ arrival date to Malaga in March. We ended this exceptionally nice and specific conversation with the statement that we were switching to e-mail contact. A digression here: I am a night owl and often work at night. It is quite an important detail in this story, because if I wrote an e-mail to the client during the day, and not at 3 a.m., I would not make a mistake in the budget. And here it just happened. During the conversation, the client gave me the budget in which he would like to close his investment, and that night I received an e-mail with an offer to sell an exceptionally beautiful apartment by the sea, almost perfectly matching his expectations. In addition, that e-mail informed about the price reduction, which made me so happy that I immediately forwarded the e-mail to your client. Then, feeling my duty well fulfilled, I went to sleep.

The next morning, I looked at the email that I sent and froze. It turned out that I sent the client an offer almost half a million more expensive than his budget, and described it as a great investment due to the extremely attractive price. I wanted to disappear. 

It didn’t happen, so I decided I had to call Mr. Client and apologize to him for my mistake. First, however, I checked my e-mails. There was a reply in the mailbox. It turned out that among the many offers I sent earlier, this one attracted the attention of Mr. Client and his wife. The offer was attractive enough to make them decide to come over and see the apartment.

Searching for a spark in Mr. Client’s eye

A few days later, however, Mr. Client arrived by himself, because his wife had other obligations. The assumption was that he would make the first selection, and then they would come together and choose something.

We looked at all the apartments from the previously prepared short list. Although Mr. Client liked each of them (at this price level, it is difficult task to find an ugly apartment), I did not see that spark in his eye, which I always look for. When the spark appears, I know that we hit the jackpot.

It bothered me, I had the feeling that we are not really looking for what we think we are looking for. I decided to trust my intuition. Despite clear instructions regarding the location – right by the sea – and the location of the apartment in the building – penthouse, I invited Mr. Client to see an apartment on the ground floor and located on the mountain side.

Immediately after the spark in the eye appeared ... COVID

And here, at last, this long-awaited spark appeared. Mr. Client returned home with a lot of photos and videos for his wife and after a few days he called me to say, that he and his wife had made a decision and wanted to buy this apartment. They made an advance payment, then signed a private contract online with a 10% down payment and… CoVid entered the stage.

Finally, with the help of a lawyer and a lot of support from Mr. Client, we managed to formalize the transaction. During the most severe lockdown, when we were not allowed to leave our homes, the apartment changed hands and became the property of our clients. They couldn't come to Spain for a good few more months, so we renovated and furnished the apartment… online. It required a great deal of commitment and time on our part, but it worked.

Mr. Client is happy, but what will his wife say?

In August, the clients finally managed to arrive. Imagine what I felt when I handed over the keys, knowing that Mr. Client's wife had not seen the apartment at all, and he had seen it only once in February and in a completely different shape, because inside we changed almost everything! I was wondering what would happen if his wife didn't like it? After the first 5 minutes in the apartment, I already knew that my fears were unnecessary: ​​love at first sight also bloomed in his wife.

And it has been blooming for almost a year ☺ During this time, we spent many hours talking, drinking countless glasses of wine together and eating a dozen dinners, moving from the "client – agent" relationship to the "good acquaintance" level that I like so much. 

The strength of a good relationship, that is Mr. Client bought a second apartment with us

At one point, due to the restrictions in force, the restaurants in Marbella were closed. We wanted to have a nice lunch on the beach and decided to go to one of the restaurants in Mijas. At that time, it wasn’t entirely legal, because we were not allowed to move between municipalities – unless it was about work. In case of a mishap, we could play a genre scene: an agent showing clients an apartment in Mijas.

I went to pick up my clients. Since in the same complex there was an apartment that caught my eye, I made an appointment to visit it before and I liked a lot what I saw. During dinner, the topic of this apartment appeared and I heard: "If you like it, we want to visit it too." My clients absolutely surprised me, even more because they finally decided to buy that apartment. Their condition was that we would take care of its short-term rental, which would be pure pleasure, because the apartment is beautiful. Soon you will be able to see it on our website, we are just waiting for a tourist license.

Our dear clients, thank you for your trust, we really appreciate it. 

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